
深喉,Deep Throat,blowjob,喉奥,喉凹,喉部

  • 投稿日:2024/6/26
  • 4039 再生
  • 60 いいね


我安装了1万 场景,每个场景包含数十个动画,此场景包含30多个深喉动画。(I have installed over 10000 scenes, each containing dozens of animations, and this scene contains over 30 deep throat animations.)因为限制上传大小300MB,所以时间有限,只能展示其中3-5个动画。(Due to the upload size limit of 300MB, time is limited and only 3-5 animations can be displayed.)不知道怎么回事上传视频经常无反应。一个视频需要上传几十次才成功。否则我可以每天都传2部以上。在这里上传最主要的阻力是服务器不顺畅。(I don\'t know what\'s going on, but uploading videos often doesn\'t respond. A video needs to be uploaded dozens of times to succeed. Otherwise, I can upload two or more videos every day. The main obstacle to uploading here is that the server is not smooth.)每一期的人物完全相同,没有丝毫修改和变化。如果突然觉着好看,那一定是你审美提高了。模型没有变化。请恭喜自己。 (The characters in each episode are exactly the same, without any modifications or changes. If you suddenly feel good, it must be because your aesthetic has improved. The model has not changed. Please congratulate yourself.)关闭胸部物理可以看到更好的胸部形状,使胸部挺拔圆润。适合跳舞和常规动作。而打开胸部物理后可以看到柔软自然的胸部,挤压摇晃。适合各种做爱动作。两者各有优势。(Closing the chest physics allows you to see a better shape of the chest, making it straight and round. Suitable for dancing and regular movements. After opening the chest physics, you can see the soft and natural chest, squeezing and shaking. Suitable for various sexual movements. Both have their own advantages.)可以感受到人物的兼容和适配性。无论什么发型服装,在这种建模身上都能衬托起来。 (You can feel the compatibility and adaptability of the characters. No matter what hairstyle or clothing, it can stand out on this modeling body)快手:https://www.kuaishou.com/f/X8b4YJ0M8SCw1nYQQ短视频:https://user.qzone.qq.com/406093B站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/102655243N站主页:https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/121533470QQ群:45999379 备用:826656508 备用:588055125Email:[email protected]