
抱起后入Showcasing body shape and facial expressions

  • 投稿日:2024/4/23
  • 2864 再生
  • 47 いいね


每一期的人物完全相同,没有丝毫修改和变化。如果突然觉着好看,那一定是你审美提高了。模型没有变化。请恭喜自己。 (The characters in each episode are exactly the same, without any modifications or changes. If you suddenly feel good, it must be because your aesthetic has improved. The model has not changed. Please congratulate yourself.)可以感受到人物的兼容和适配性。无论什么发型服装,在这种建模身上都能衬托起来。 (You can feel the compatibility and adaptability of the characters. No matter what hairstyle or clothing, it can stand out on this modeling body)快手:https://www.kuaishou.com/f/X8b4YJ0M8SCw1nYQQ短视频:https://user.qzone.qq.com/406093B站主页:https://space.bilibili.com/102655243N站主页:https://www.nicovideo.jp/user/121533470 很多视频大于3G,N站限制在3G内。所以B站视频多些。(全部图片,跳舞视频和一切动画均为一人。原创自用模型)对肌肉身材有疑问的建议多看看我其他图和视频。QQ群45999379 备用1:826656508 备用2:588055125各位兄弟们记得看下我前几期连载的图,因为她们都是完全相同的人物。只更换了发型,服装,眼影,唇膏。皆さん、私の前の連載の図を見てください。彼女たちは全く同じ人物だからです。髪型、服装、アイシャドウ、リップだけ変えました。Brothers, remember to take a look at the pictures I serialized in the previous issues, because they are all identical characters. Only changed hair style, clothing, eye shadow, lipstick.我创建一个建模流派,暂定义为:激进美学