前回バレンタインで幸せな動画を作りましたが、自分は一つも貰えなかったことから暗黒面に堕ち幸せなカップルを絶望に堕とすべく反転動画を作りました( ´艸`)\n前回彼氏である先生との会話でもあった「卒業試験」この試験を受けた雪泉だったが、試験途中に行方不明になってしまう。\n必死に雪泉を探す先生だったが、発見することは出来ず10ヶ月もの月日が流れた。\nそんな先生のもとに差出人不明のDVDが届く、不審なものを感じながら再生したところ愛しい女性が拘束され、犯される姿が。\n実は悪忍勢力が自身の戦力増強のため卒業試験を受ける善忍を襲い、洗脳する作戦をとっていた。\nその作戦に巻き込まれた雪泉は、悪忍に連れ去られ地下施設で調教を受けることに(´;ω;`)ウゥゥ\n既に男性経験があった雪泉は徹底的な快楽調教を受け既に開発済みであったこともありあっさりとイかせ続けられる。\nイキ癖がついたころに1か月もの焦らしを受け本来拒絶しなければならない悪忍のチ〇ポを懇願してしまう。\nようやくイクことを解禁されたものの今度は焦らされた反動で無限絶頂させられもはやまともに会話することが出来ないほどに堕とされただの穴であることを身も心にも刻まれるのであった。\nって感じのストーリーとなっておりますΣd( ´∀` )\n以前からリクエストで清楚な女性を淫乱に調教するというシチュのリクエストがあったので調教過程を彼氏のもとに送り、堕ちていく状況を彼氏視点で見ていくといった動画になっております。(;^ω^)\nただ、色々詰め込んだため以上に長くなってしまったので前後編に分割しました(-ω-;)\n因みに前回の続きとわかるように雪泉さんにはとあるアイテムを装備してもらってます。(∩´∀`)∩____________________________________________Last time I made a happy Valentine\'s Day video, but since I didn\'t receive a single gift, I fell into the dark side and made a reversal video to bring the happy couple to despair!( ´艸`)\nYumi took the “graduation exam” that she and her boyfriend, the teacher, had talked about last time, but she went missing in the middle of the exam.\nThe teacher desperately searched for Yumi, but was unable to find her. 10 months passed.\nHe received a DVD from an unknown sender, and when he played it back, he found that the woman he loved was being restrained and raped.\nIn fact, the evil shinobi forces were planning to attack and brainwash Zen shinobi who were taking their graduation examinations in order to increase their own strength.(´;ω;`)ウゥゥ\nYumi is caught up in the operation and is taken away by the evil shinobi to be trained in an underground facility.\nYumi, who had already had experience with men, was given a thorough pleasure training, and since she had already been developed, she was easily made to cum continuously.\nWhen she had already developed the habit of cumming, she was forced to beg for the evil ninja\'s dick, which she should have rejected after a month of being rushed.\nWhen she is finally allowed to cum, she is forced to climax endlessly in reaction to being rushed, and her body and mind are so degraded that she is no longer able to speak properly.\nThis is the story of a woman who can no longer speak properly.Σd( ´∀` )\nI had a request to train a neat woman to become a whore, so I sent the training process to her boyfriend and watched the situation from his point of view. (;^ω^)\nBut I had to split it into two parts because it became longer than I wanted it to be because I had packed a lot of things into it.\nI had Yukizumi equip a certain item to make it clear that this is a continuation of the previous video.