If you like my work,you can get the 4k60fps and uncut version(timeline7:12) by those ways.\n如果你喜欢我的作品,你可以通过以下途径获得4k60fps以及未剪辑的版本(时长7:12)\nPatreon:https://www.patreon.com/user?u=94837187QQ赞助:3247386510即使冒着生命危险也要回来操蕾米莉亚,这就是作为色系魔法天才的骄傲😎。东方好看的人物卡基本都用过了,下一期色系收录的冒险应该是在别的动漫。\nEven if it means risking his life, he insists on coming back to fuck Remilia. That\'s the pride of being a genius in color magic. 😎 Since the good-looking character cards from Touhou have already been used, the next adventure in this series will probably take place in another anime world.scene:hoptia,yurabe,leoool,nyanify,harada