
[MMD] Serena | Midas Touch (Pokémon)

  • 投稿日:2024/12/4
  • 3490 再生
  • 205 いいね


After a LONG wait, Serena\'s model pack is finally done. Other Pokegirls will follow in the near future.That\'s it for now, and I\'ll see you guys at the end of the year! Have a great day!Model DL: [Model DL] Serena Model Pack 1.0Model: Tsumidango, Sour, J&J, JustLooking, Kiidosan, Newbie, and Scalloped PotatoesMotion: Natsumi-sanCamera: 000Music: KISS OF LIFEStage: くてしふぉんEffects: sdPBR470, Adjuster_v021, AutoLuminous4, ColorShift, Diffusion7, HgSAO_v002, HgSSAO_v003, ikWatercolor2_v002, LightBloom, MotionBlur3L_v002, PostMovie_v1_0, WorkingFloor2_v008, WorkingFloorAL_v007