EN sub ver : https://mega.nz/folder/t3cDTbTR#d9gNV4v0C18WS0VT9VBDlw▼patreon▼ https://patreon.com/user?u=38668825お待たせしました!既に敵の手に堕ちている味方に堕とされちゃうシチュ大好きなので、それを目標に作りました。patreon支援者への差分は字幕なしと通常バニースーツ(すけすけ)衣装verです。model:たららたらこ様\nフリーBGM・音楽素材:DLsiteクリエイター学園 Thank you for your patience!I love the situation of being corrupted by an ally who has already fallen into the hands of the enemy, so I set that as my goal.The differences for patreon supporters are no subtitles and a normal bunny suit (Transparent) costume ver.