
[Gensin] Lumine punishment

  • 投稿日:2022/5/7
  • 36551 再生
  • 557 いいね


We don\'t know what Lumine did, but she turned out to be a traitor.-jean : She is arrested and taken away.And she\'s searched for any hidden tools in her body.-Rosaria : To get a confession of a crime she didn\'t confess, heresy interrogation is conducted.-Raiden : The summer weather in the east is very hot and humid. She is publicly punished in the Eastern way.-Ganyu : Gam-woo, who opened his heart to Lumine, felt a lot of betrayal. She\'ll be whipped until her anger is lifted.-Lisa : She becomes Lisa\'s experimenter. Something strange might happen?-endding : she displayed in the square to show what happens to the traitor.In the words of a traitor, it\'s disastrous.I don\'t know the character\'s personality because I don\'t play Wonshin for a long time.It was a really fun video, but when it was completed, I don\'t know if it was made well